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Falling from great heights

Falling from great heights

Falling from great heights

Albert Einstein said, “Look deep into Nature, and then you will understand everything better”.  Nature is a perfect place to get useful insights and clues about life.  There are many principles in Nature that have stood the test of time and they work each and every time.  Principles in nature are precise and perfect.  Nature can reveal interesting insights depending on how you observe it and how you interpret it.  I am no scientist, but just an ordinary observer drawing insights with imagination.  I plan to come up with a series of posts on this subject and I hope you like them.

Here is the first one inspired from a waterfall.  A waterfall falls from great heights.  Yet, it keeps flowing after that.  There is an important message here that I think is relevant to what we experience in our lives.

If you have fallen from great heights, keep moving on gracefully.

There are times in our lives where we would have experienced a situation that made us feel like we have fallen or faltered or gone down from a higher position. When it happens, it’s usually hard to accept it. It may be a job that was lost, a promotion that was bypassed, a business that failed, a relationship that broke, money that was lost and so on. whatever the situation, these experiences make us feel like it’s a big fall in life. When we interpret these events as a “fall in life” it makes us feel bad as we feel we have gone from “good to worse”. But falling is not failing. Failing to move on is when we truly fail. That’s what a Waterfall shows. It continues its journey after falling from great heights.

Let me know what you think. If you have other nature metaphors to share on this topic, please share your comments below.

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Sairam Narayan

Sairam N is the founder of Heart Pepper. After a long stint in the Corporate world, he pursued creative entrepreneurial tech ventures ranging from health-care to education. Being an avid consumer of motivational content over the years, he felt the urge to start Heart Pepper as a platform to share inspirational & motivational content and help see life's challenges in a positive perspective, tapping into the teachings and wisdom of the greatest teachers on this planet and presenting them in creative ways.

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